5.1. Personal data processing is carried out fairly and lawfully, without diminishing the dignity of the data subject.
5.2. Data are processed only for specific, clearly defined, and lawful purposes. No subsequent processing of data for purposes that are not compatible with the original purpose is carried out.
5.3. Data are processed only to the extent necessary to achieve the relevant lawful purposes.
5.4. Data are adequate and proportionate to the purposes for which they are processed.
5.5. Data are accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Data collected without a lawful basis and not corresponding to the purpose of processing must be blocked, deleted, or destroyed.
5.6. Data are retained only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of data processing. Once the purpose for which the data were processed has been achieved, the data must be blocked, deleted, or destroyed, or stored in a form that does not permit the identification of the person, unless otherwise provided by law.